Friday, December 31, 2010

How to avoid Heart By Pass using Ayurveda

There has been a widely held belief that the Ayurveda has been salient about the ailments of heart which solicit the surgical treatment towards making a by pass in the heart. This however is not fairly true. A research into the log of ayurvedic work available does make believe that surgery was discussed cautiously and probably used in isolated cases.In India surgery has been in discussion during the period of Sushrut who practiced about 3000 BC and practice is talked about in his literature today available as Sushratsamhita. In a place called Kashi there use to be a practitioner named RajaDivodas, also fondly known as Dhanwantri, he was known to be the first accomplished person in surgical treatment of those times.However it also appears true that the frequency at which surgical treatment was deployed was very low and only on occasional cases the practitioners resorted to any such action. This could be attributed to reasons like non availability of equipments, quality and finesse of these equipments which made these practitioners, ref Gupta era and Harshwardhan era, largely decide on the merit of benefits versus risk ratios before approaching the surgical route.There is another way to conclude on this subject which is that in those times the heart ailments were rare and therefore surgery for heart was never felt as a need unless occasional cases. Since long Ayurved has argued ,lead practioner Yog Ratnakar, that volume disbalance between three basic components of human body ,Kaff, Pitta and Vayu, create unwanted presence of material in blood, in addition to the blood cells, which when passes through the narrow arteries of heart display a tendency of getting stuck on the internal layers. This when solidifies makes these arteries relatively brittle and clogs the diameter of these arteries which leads to the heart ailments and therefore need of creating a parallel path called by pass. Practitioner Bhavmishra, Maharaja Ranjit Singh era, has written that Kaff and Vayu are prime components which when in disbalance makes the heart muscles weaker for pumping and therefore susceptible to a sudden failure.On the treatment side Ayurveda has argued for a proactive approach by taking medicines which help in avoidance of such a situation. There are three medicines which have largely been noted helping to achieve this they are Shilajit, natural organic material found in the stony layers in earth crust, Bala tree and Arjun tree. Being a proactive approach they are advised to be taken regularly and start early in the life before the start of susceptible age let’s say mid thirties.Shilajit is a rasayanic extract from the mountains of Himalayas and has large number of minerals into ionic form which provide strength and antioxidant benefits to the human body. This is available in its pure forms by some of the leading makers of Ayurvedic Medicines in India. It is also practiced generally to have this medicine along with some parts of gold which further strengthens the nerves and muscles.Bala is one the most often used Ayurvedic herbs because it simultaneously balances all three components of human body Vata, Pitta, Kapha, a rare benefit available in a single herb. It is primarily known for giving strength to body and its masculine parts and increase general immunity. It has 05 tastes out of six known to humanity reflecting on the completeness and harmony it reflects as an herb in the nature.Arjun bark enables the oxygen supply to the blood and is useful as a cardioprotective agent in hypertension and ischaemic heart disease, especially in disturbed cardiac rhythm, angina or myocardial infarction. Bark of Arjuna has been shown to be beneficial for coronary artery disease, heart failure, and possibly for high cholesterol levels. It has also been found to be antibacterial and antimutagenic3 protection against cancer.It is however recommended that while these three medicines have given me observations of successful treatments for over last 50 years of my practice an individual should have it discussed with the practitioner they have access to and take them in accordance.