Friday, April 8, 2011

How to avoid a Parkinsons Disease

Parkinsons Disease is known as "Tandav" disease in the Ayruveda. It is basically a degenerative disorder of nervous system and is manifested by incremental losses in the cognitive and muscular operations. The vibrations felt in the body weakens the ability of physical behaviours.

Ayurveda insists that prime medication has to be a "Rasayana" which helps builds the strength to nervous and muscular systems in the body. Any further medicine which help builds the general build up of body is also good to take.

In my experience "Swarna Makardhwaj" and "Saptamrat Lauh" are the best medicines in Ayurveda for this disease. It helps in strengthening the nervous system and gaining control on the movements / vibrations of the body parts.

Sometimes it is seen that such a body behaviour may occur due to worms in the stomach for which it is advised to take "Sarivadhyasav" OR "Chandanasav".

Thursday, April 7, 2011

How to avoid Cancerous Situations in the Body

Ayurveda consider stress and undue mental tension as key orginator of cancerous situations in the human body. Such situations can occur inside the body or on the surface of the body. The internal situations are generally accepted as cancer whereas external are not publically known as cancer despite it also being very similar in its constitution and origination. It becomes more pertinent in todays world where stress is fast becoming a side lane of life.

In Ayurveda it is stated that "While Chita (Pyre) burns the dead the Chinta (Stress) burns the living". In Sushrutsamhita it is stated that any serious situation can only be handled by eating any relevant "Rasayana" while supported by prayer to God (which destresses the individual and thus supports the functioning of the Rasayana). It is generally seen that Rasayana like Shilajit helps very effectively. Other medicines like Chandraprabha and Vrihat Vat Chintamani ras are also very effective in this. Rasayna generally means any medicine which helps curatively on the minute scale in the body like working on the cell level.

I have observed that "Cancer" can pass to younger generation genetically also. Some of the cases have a parallel disease possible like Syphilis, Diabeties as cancerous situations may arise simultaneous to them. In such a case the parallel disease should be looked at and not just the medicine for the cancers. I have seen that having "Chandanasav" OR "Sarivadyasav" helps in these diseases. If the solid medicine can be taken - then take "Sariva Churna" OR "Chandanadi Churna"

For the patients who carry a fat body - must take "Arogyavardhina Vati" OR "Mahamajishtyada Risht" in addition to above as it helps generate a better metabolism and in turn helps the body fighting against the disease like cancer. In specific case of having a cancer in uterus - the patient may have uterus removed and above medicines taken thereafter.

However as I said above the stress busting is the main way to assuage the chances of cancer and if having infected - then to mellow down the growth of the cancer further. Stress busting includes proper hygienic lifestyle and food habits which are soft on the body's metabolism.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How to recover from Rajyakshma (Tuberculosis)

Rajyakshma is considered as king of all diseases as it emancipate the strength inside the patients thus inviting other diseases along with it. Gradually it becomes a collection of various diseases making it further complicated to manage the medication and recovery. Thus it being termed as Rajya (Kingdom) Kshma (Decay) - which means a frailing condition of huge magnitude.

Its symptoms include poor apetite, light fever, cough and ever increasing loss of weight and sometimes blood comes in the spits. In such a case all the seven dhatus are converted primarily into Mal (stool) and passed away rather than being partly converted to Ojas (Albumin) which is considered as carrier of Pran (life sustaining liquid in human blood).

The following medicines help in containment of the Rajyakshma

1. Take Draksharishta every day twise after meals to help build strength in the lungs
2. Twise in morning and evening take Shatavardi Churna with milk.
3. Take Sitopladi Churna together with Honey and Ghee mixed in proportionate volumes.
4. To help improve the liver functioning - take piplasav twise a day after meals and take suvarna parpati twise a day - morning and evening with milk.
5. It is said that Chavanprash regular intake not only prevents this disease but can also help build the immunity to fight it. This should be taken twice a day - morning and evening with milk.
6. Savarna Basant Malti ras is best used for the decay recovering - this should be taken 1 Rati per day

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How to avoid Bhagandar (Piles) by Ayurveda

In Bhagandar there is an inflammation in the anus (rectum) which has a common family name as Piles.This is a very irritating and painful experience for the patient as it aggravates during the passing of the stools while also sitting on your bottoms can create enough pain and uneasiness. Release of pus (a whitish yellow liquid) makes it more difficult to manage its daily lifestyle  by the patient.

It is also known as Fistula-in-ano and is a notorious disease to tackle and cure even thru a well conducted surgery as recurrence is a common phenomenon. There is a method by which a medicated thread is pushed inside the rectum which helps heal the inflammations gradually and can be delivered through a practitioner hand.

Normally you should intake regularly Trifla at the bedtime with one glass butter milk to have a better intestinal release.The food habits should be more intake of fibrous food and avoid putting pressure in case of constipation - take practitioners help to clear constipation.

However if the Bhagandar has inflicted a patient then in my experience it was felt that there are medicines which help resolve such inflammations if handled early in the stages

When Pus arrives in the inflammation

Pus is a whitish yellow release generated at the fistula and this must be avoided by recognizing early the formation of the bump. Consult a practitioner.In my experience "Navkartik Guggul" is very useful in such a situation. Take 1 tablet with butter milk - twice a day - one in morning and one in evening. You need to wash the inflammation with "Trifla Kwath" and put "Jatyadi Tail" on the same - you need to keep as airy as possible - wear loose clothes.

When Pus has not arrived yet

In such a situation start immediately with "Ravitandav Ras - 1 Masha"; "Ras Manikya - 1 Ratti"; "Ras Sindoor - 1 Ratti" all of them to eaten together with Honey. This helps to avoid  ripening of the inflammation. Those who cannot afford these medicines can also eat "Chandra Prabha Vati" with "Kanchnaar Guggul".

My experience is that Bhagandar is best being avoided with a healthy lifestyle, eating lots of fibrous food and curd, early rising and get at least 7 hours of sleep and proactiveness in keeping your bottoms clean and hygienic. If not then above medicines may help you contain the situation